Other liabilities
in EUR thousand20142013
Liabilities from derivatives240,246118,984
Deferred income31,73231,315
Direct minority interests in partnerships28,60330,993
Sundry non-technical provisions154,779134,303
Sundry liabilities197,093217,204

Of this, other liabilities of EUR 7.6 million (EUR 11.1 million) are attributable to affiliated companies.

With regard to the liabilities from derivatives in an amount of EUR 240.2 million (EUR 119.0 million), please see our explanatory remarks on derivative financial instruments in Section 8.1 “Derivative financial instruments and financial guarantees”.

The sundry liabilities include, most notably, distributions within the year of EUR 87.5 million (EUR 72.0 million) from interests in private equity funds that had still to be recognised in income as at the balance sheet date.

Development of sundry non-technical provisions
in EUR thousandBalance at
31 December
Currency translation
at 1 January
Balance at 1 January of the
year under review
AdditionsUtilisationReleaseCurrency translation
at 31 December
Balance at
31 December
Provisions for      
Audits and costs of publishing the annual financial statements5,899545,9536,8795,368103397,400
Consultancy fees2,6241282,7521,4841,80929492,142
Suppliers’ invoices7,0172217,23815,73616,8983671175,826
Partial retirement arrangements and early retirement obligations3,72373,73019531(3)3,215
Holiday entitlements and overtime6,3781286,5065,8703,640(7)8,729
Anniversary bonuses2,866352,90146517103,359
Management bonuses28,95196229,91324,73719,54519435,299

The maturities of the sundry non-technical provisions as at the balance sheet date are shown in the following table:

Maturities of the sundry non-technical provisions
in EUR thousand20142013
Due in one year81,25267,236
Due after one through five years69,66862,115
Due after five years3,8594,952


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