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8.11 Events after the balance sheet date

In a press release dated 21 February 2013 we announced the completion of another block transaction for longevity risks in our life and health reinsurance business group. Under the transaction pension obligations in the amount of GBP 3.2 billion assumed by a UK cedant are mostly transferred to Hannover Re with contractual effect from 31 January 2013. Hannover Re assumes only the biometric risk under this transaction, not the investment risk. Hannover Re will generate total premium income of roughly GBP 2.2 billion from this longevity transaction, with gross premium of around GBP 100.0 million attributable to the 2013 financial year.

Sizeable major loss events were recorded in non-life reinsurance at the beginning of 2013 in connection with floods along the east coast of Australia – caused in particular by Tropical Cyclone Oswald – and the failed launch of the communications satellite Intelsat 27. Hannover Re anticipates losses in the low double-digit million euros from both events.

The Annual General Meeting of Hannover Rückversicherung AG on 3 May 2012 adopted a resolution to convert the company to a European limited company (Societas Europaea or SE). The SE will be created upon entry in the commercial register, which is expected to take place in the first quarter of the 2013 financial year.

Hannover, 5 March 2013

Executive Board

Signature Wallin (Signature) Signature Arrago (Signature) Signature Chevre (Signature) Signature Gräber (Signature)
Wallin Arrago Chèvre Gräber
Signature Dr. Miller (Signature) Signature Dr. Pickel (Signature) Signature Vogel (Signature)
Dr. Miller Dr. Pickel Vogel


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