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Business in Australia and New Zealand is written by our Sydney-based life subsidiary. A special feature of our Australian unit is its primary insurance licence. We make successful use of the associated opportunities and have already built up a respectable portfolio of primary insurance. Primary business is an important component of our portfolio in the Australian market, as reflected in the level of premium income. It makes a major contribution to total business, delivering around half of the total premium volume.

In the year under review we generated pleasing double-digit percentage increases in premium income. The principal growth drivers were group covers and direct business. We thus generated gratifying net income after tax and see considerable potential for further growth in the coming year, especially in the primary market and group business.


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Business in Australia and New Zealand is written by our Sydney-based life subsidiary. A special feature of our Australian unit is its primary insurance licence. We make successful use of the associated opportunities and have already built up a respectable portfolio of primary insurance. Primary business is an important component of our portfolio in the Australian market, as reflected in the level of premium income. It makes a major contribution to total business, delivering around half of the total premium volume.

In the year under review we generated pleasing double-digit percentage increases in premium income. The principal growth drivers were group covers and direct business. We thus generated gratifying net income after tax and see considerable potential for further growth in the coming year, especially in the primary market and group business.