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Qualitative risk management methods

Qualitative methods and practices are a fundamental element of our internal risk management and control system as well as of potential future requirements for the Own Risk and Solvency Assessment (ORSA). Systematic risk identification, analysis, measurement, steering and monitoring as well as risk reporting are crucial to the effectiveness of risk management as a whole. Only by giving prompt consideration to risks can the continued existence of our Group be assured. The system that is in place – in common with the corporate and risk strategy – is subject to a constant cycle of planning, action, control and improvement.

The Hannover Re Group’s Framework Guideline on Risk Management describes the existing elements of the risk management system that has been put in place. It is intended to establish homogeneous Group standards for risk management. The Framework Guideline defines, among other things, the major tasks, rights and responsibilities, the organisational framework conditions and the risk control process. Principles are also set out governing the evaluation of new products in light of risk considerations as well as risk reporting. Internal risk reporting safeguards systematic and timely communication within the company about all material risks. Risk reporting takes place quarterly and covers inter alia the defined limits and thresholds, key ratios of our internal capital model, expert assessments (e. g. emerging risks) and a summary presentation of the risk situation. The regular quarterly reporting is supplemented as necessary by immediate internal reporting on material risks and limit oversteps that emerge suddenly. The criteria for this reporting are also specified in the Framework Guideline on Risk Management. Within the central system of limits and thresholds for the material risks of the Hannover Re Group, key ratios have been specified for steering and monitoring. Risk steering and monitoring is operationalised through the specification of suitable limits and thresholds for quantitatively measurable material risks. Material risks that cannot be quantified or are difficult to quantify (such as reputational risks) are primarily steered using appropriate processes and practices and are monitored with the aid of qualitative measurement methods, such as expert assessments.


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Qualitative risk management methods

Qualitative methods and practices are a fundamental element of our internal risk management and control system as well as of potential future requirements for the Own Risk and Solvency Assessment (ORSA). Systematic risk identification, analysis, measurement, steering and monitoring as well as risk reporting are crucial to the effectiveness of risk management as a whole. Only by giving prompt consideration to risks can the continued existence of our Group be assured. The system that is in place – in common with the corporate and risk strategy – is subject to a constant cycle of planning, action, control and improvement.

The Hannover Re Group’s Framework Guideline on Risk Management describes the existing elements of the risk management system that has been put in place. It is intended to establish homogeneous Group standards for risk management. The Framework Guideline defines, among other things, the major tasks, rights and responsibilities, the organisational framework conditions and the risk control process. Principles are also set out governing the evaluation of new products in light of risk considerations as well as risk reporting. Internal risk reporting safeguards systematic and timely communication within the company about all material risks. Risk reporting takes place quarterly and covers inter alia the defined limits and thresholds, key ratios of our internal capital model, expert assessments (e. g. emerging risks) and a summary presentation of the risk situation. The regular quarterly reporting is supplemented as necessary by immediate internal reporting on material risks and limit oversteps that emerge suddenly. The criteria for this reporting are also specified in the Framework Guideline on Risk Management. Within the central system of limits and thresholds for the material risks of the Hannover Re Group, key ratios have been specified for steering and monitoring. Risk steering and monitoring is operationalised through the specification of suitable limits and thresholds for quantitatively measurable material risks. Material risks that cannot be quantified or are difficult to quantify (such as reputational risks) are primarily steered using appropriate processes and practices and are monitored with the aid of qualitative measurement methods, such as expert assessments.