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4. Consolidation

4.1 Consolidation principles

Capital consolidation

The capital consolidation complies with the requirements of IAS 27 “Consolidated and Separate Financial Statements”. Subsidiaries are consolidated as soon as Hannover Re acquires a majority voting interest or de facto controlling influence. The same is true of special purpose entities, the consolidation of which is discussed separately below.

The capital consolidation is based on the revaluation method. In the context of the “purchase accounting” method the acquisition costs of the parent company are netted with the proportionate shareholders’ equity of the subsidiary at the time when it is first included in the consolidated financial statement after the revaluation of all assets and liabilities. After recognition of all acquired intangible assets that in accordance with IFRS 3 “Business Combinations” are to be accounted for separately from goodwill, the difference between the revalued shareholders’ equity of the subsidiary and the purchase price is recognised as goodwill. Under IFRS 3 scheduled amortisation is not taken on goodwill. Instead, impairment is taken where necessary on the basis of annual impairment tests. Immaterial and negative goodwill are recognised in the statement of income in the year of their occurrence.

Companies over which Hannover Re is able to exercise a significant influence are normally consolidated at equity as associated companies with the proportion of the shareholders’ equity attributable to the Group. A significant influence is presumed to exist if a company belonging to the Hannover Re Group directly or indirectly holds at least 20% – but no more than 50% – of the voting rights. Income from investments in associated companies is recognised separately in the consolidated statement of income.

Only subsidiaries which are of minor importance – both individually and in their entirety – for the net assets, financial position and results of operations of the Hannover Re Group are exempted from consolidation. Hannover Re assesses whether a subsidiary is of minor importance on the basis of the company’s total assets and net income relative to the corresponding values for the Group as a whole on average over the last three years. For this reason 16 (15) companies at home and abroad were not fully consolidated in the year under review. A further 16 (15) companies were not included at equity in the consolidated financial statement for the same reason. The business object of these altogether 32 (30) companies is for the most part the rendering of services for reinsurance companies within the Group.

Non-controlling interests in shareholders’ equity are reported separately within Group shareholders’ equity in accordance with IAS 1 “Presentation of Financial Statements”. The non-controlling interest in profit or loss, which forms part of net income and is shown separately after net income as a “thereof” note, amounted to EUR 75.4 million (EUR 70.8 million) in the year under review.

Non-controlling interests in partnerships are reported in accordance with IAS 32 “Financial Instruments: Presentation” under long-term liabilities.

Consolidation of business transactions within the Group

Receivables and liabilities between the companies included in the consolidated financial statement were offset against each other. Profits and expenses from business transactions within the Group were also eliminated. Transactions between a disposal group and the continuing operations of the Group were similarly eliminated in accordance with IAS 27 “Consolidated and Separate Financial Statements”.


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4. Consolidation
4.1 Consolidation principles

Capital consolidation

The capital consolidation complies with the requirements of IAS 27 “Consolidated and Separate Financial Statements”. Subsidiaries are consolidated as soon as Hannover Re acquires a majority voting interest or de facto controlling influence. The same is true of special purpose entities, the consolidation of which is discussed separately below.

The capital consolidation is based on the revaluation method. In the context of the “purchase accounting” method the acquisition costs of the parent company are netted with the proportionate shareholders’ equity of the subsidiary at the time when it is first included in the consolidated financial statement after the revaluation of all assets and liabilities. After recognition of all acquired intangible assets that in accordance with IFRS 3 “Business Combinations” are to be accounted for separately from goodwill, the difference between the revalued shareholders’ equity of the subsidiary and the purchase price is recognised as goodwill. Under IFRS 3 scheduled amortisation is not taken on goodwill. Instead, impairment is taken where necessary on the basis of annual impairment tests. Immaterial and negative goodwill are recognised in the statement of income in the year of their occurrence.

Companies over which Hannover Re is able to exercise a significant influence are normally consolidated at equity as associated companies with the proportion of the shareholders’ equity attributable to the Group. A significant influence is presumed to exist if a company belonging to the Hannover Re Group directly or indirectly holds at least 20% – but no more than 50% – of the voting rights. Income from investments in associated companies is recognised separately in the consolidated statement of income.

Only subsidiaries which are of minor importance – both individually and in their entirety – for the net assets, financial position and results of operations of the Hannover Re Group are exempted from consolidation. Hannover Re assesses whether a subsidiary is of minor importance on the basis of the company’s total assets and net income relative to the corresponding values for the Group as a whole on average over the last three years. For this reason 16 (15) companies at home and abroad were not fully consolidated in the year under review. A further 16 (15) companies were not included at equity in the consolidated financial statement for the same reason. The business object of these altogether 32 (30) companies is for the most part the rendering of services for reinsurance companies within the Group.

Non-controlling interests in shareholders’ equity are reported separately within Group shareholders’ equity in accordance with IAS 1 “Presentation of Financial Statements”. The non-controlling interest in profit or loss, which forms part of net income and is shown separately after net income as a “thereof” note, amounted to EUR 75.4 million (EUR 70.8 million) in the year under review.

Non-controlling interests in partnerships are reported in accordance with IAS 32 “Financial Instruments: Presentation” under long-term liabilities.

Consolidation of business transactions within the Group

Receivables and liabilities between the companies included in the consolidated financial statement were offset against each other. Profits and expenses from business transactions within the Group were also eliminated. Transactions between a disposal group and the continuing operations of the Group were similarly eliminated in accordance with IAS 27 “Consolidated and Separate Financial Statements”.