Strong presence maintained on the capital market


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Against the backdrop of a sustained competitive reinsurance environment and volatile capital markets, Hannover Re experienced continued strong demand for information on the part of its investors in 2015. Our event activities consequently remained on a high level. Altogether, members of the Executive Board and representatives of the Investor Relations department attended 16 international capital market conferences (previous year: 15) and 19 roadshows (21). We retained our focus on the financial centres of Frankfurt and London, which we visited at least once a quarter. The cities of Amsterdam, Dublin, Geneva, Copenhagen, Lugano, Lyon, Milan, Munich, New York, Paris, Tokyo, Vienna and Zurich were further destinations that we revisited. Berlin, Boston, Brussels, Hong Kong, Madrid, Naples, Nice, Rome and Toronto featured on our agenda for the first time.

Hannover Re’s 18th Investors’ Day was held on 14 October 2015 in Frankfurt / Main. Around 40 analysts and institutional investors made the most of the opportunity to engage in an intensive exchange of views with members of the Executive Board. The focus this time was on a discussion of new business opportunities in reinsurance, such as the insurance of cyber and agricultural risks as well as microinsurance products for developing countries or integrated lifestyle insurance concepts intended to promote healthy living on the part of insureds. The Executive Board also used the occasion to explain in detail the establishment of claims equalisation reserves at insurance undertakings in accordance with the German accounting principles of the Commercial Code (HGB) as well as their implications for earnings performance, as illustrated by Hannover Re. The latter topic was met with considerable interest among the participants in view of its relevance to the company’s ability to pay a dividend. As in the previous years, all interested parties were able to follow the event in full via a live webcast on the company’s website.

Sustainability reporting

In the year just ended Hannover Re again provided information about its achievements as a responsible enterprise in the form of a stand-alone sustainability report drawn up in accordance with the internationally recognised reporting standards of the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI). Based on this structured reporting format, which was presented for the fourth year in succession, the company’s sustainability performance was also assessed by the rating agency Oekom Research; its above-average fulfilment of industry-specific requirements was confirmed with the award of “prime” status. Hannover Re also retained its place in the worldwide FTSE4Good Index Series in the financial year just ended.



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