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Hannover Re does its utmost to keep negative environmental impacts of its business operations as low as possible. The focus of our efforts to conserve the environment is on reducing carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions associated with the supply of electricity and heating to our premises as well as with our business travel. Having already converted our power supply at the German location to renewables, we now want to extend this progressively to our international offices as well. With the implementation of our Environmental Management System, which was certified according to DIN EN ISO 14001 in 2012, we have put in place standard processes for dealing with environmental protection and defined concrete measures in the environmental programme. Our Environmental Management System was successfully recertified in November 2015.

Hannover Re’s carbon dioxide emissions at its German location in 2015 amounted to 8,581 (previous year: 7,798) tonnes, some 10.0% more than in the previous year. This is equivalent to per capita CO2 emissions of 6.4 tonnes (+6.7% compared to the previous year).

In 2015, as in previous years, we compensated for our unavoidable CO2 emissions of 8,306 (7,514) tonnes caused by business travel by making voluntary offsetting payments to the international organisation “atmosfair” and thereby supported selected climate protection projects in developing and emerging countries. This is equivalent to an offset of around 97% of our total CO2 emissions resulting from business travel and the consumption of electricity, district heating and paper.

In the financial year just ended, as in prior years, we reported on our measures to reduce carbon dioxide emissions as part of the international initiative overseen by the Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP); in this context we achieved a disclosure score of 91 out of a possible 100 points.

The table below breaks down Hannover Re’s consumption and emissions over the past five years.

Resources consumed at Hannover Home Office
Number of staff1,3371,2891,2191,1641,110
Electricity (in kWh)8,868,3458,969,9759,114,4828,802,2628,214,917
Heat (in kWh)2,746,6982,748,0143,359,6942,319,8541,859,119
Water (in l)17,088,00015,176,00015,778,00014,961,00014,464,500
Paper (in sheets)6,600,8107,551,2008,502,0608,766,0009,172,180
Waste (in kg)156,880193,760214,250205,790257,400
Business trips (in km)20,530,04320,447,86718,185,06216,654,50417,658,598
CO2 emissions (in kg)38,581,0007,798,0007,203,0004,984,0008,123,000

Our commitment to society has a long tradition. Hannover Re has been active as a sponsor of culture and social projects for several decades. Our activities extend beyond our location in Germany to our subsidiaries with their specific projects catering to social concerns in their own country. Content-wise, we concentrate our non-profit activities today on the areas of research, learning, art and music as well as on assisting our employees with their voluntary contributions to society. Our involvement encompasses not only projects in Germany but also activities at our international locations.

Detailed explanatory remarks on our consumption of resources as well as extensive information on our social commitment can be found at



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