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Bearing in mind the advanced phase of the credit cycle in the United States as well as the political and economic uncertainties in Europe, the conservative orientation of some parts of our investment portfolio will be preserved. Nevertheless, irrespective of the sovereign debt issue, the improved economic outlook will also be reflected in selective risk-taking. Our emphasis on broad diversification will be retained unchanged. By way of a neutral modified duration we shall continue to ensure that the interest rate risk is tightly managed.

The enlargement of the asset portfolio is expected to have a positive effect on investment income, although the average return will decline owing to persistently low interest rates. Our asset holdings are expected to increase again based on positive cash flow estimates. In view of the low returns on more secure investments, we shall continue to invest in products offering attractive credit spreads and selectively expand our portfolio in the areas of alternative investments and real estate.

Given the high capital requirements and potentially increased volatility on equity markets – which are in part driven by liquidity –, we take a cautious stance on further new investments in listed equities at current valuation levels.



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