Other assets
in EUR thousand20152014
Present value of future profits on acquired life reinsurance portfolios78,26182,390
Other intangible assets47,77737,462
Insurance for pension commitments82,15276,601
Own-use real estate66,73667,699
Tax refund claims96,98664,785
Fixtures, fittings and equipment28,70733,167
Other receivables8,53329,771

Of this, other assets of EUR 4.6 million (EUR 5.1 million) are attributable to affiliated companies.

The item “Other” includes receivables of EUR 194.7 million (EUR 165.6 million) which correspond to the present value of future premium payments in connection with derivative financial instruments arising from transactions in the life and health reinsurance business group. For further explanation please see Section 8.1 “Derivative financial instruments and financial guarantees”.

As in the previous year, the other receivables do not include any items that were overdue but unadjusted as at the balance sheet date.

Present value of future profits (PVFP) on acquired life reinsurance portfolios

Development of the present value of future profits (PVFP) on acquired life reinsurance portfolios
in EUR thousand20152014
Gross book value at 31 December of the previous year131,102130,186
Currency translation at 1 January598916
Gross book value at 31 December of the year under review131,700131,102
Cumulative depreciation at 31 December of the previous year48,71244,916
Currency translation at 1 January598916
Cumulative depreciation after currency translation49,31045,832
Currency translation at 31 December(1,057)(157)
Cumulative depreciation at 31 December of the year under review53,43948,712
Net book value at 31 December of the previous year82,39085,270
Net book value at 31 December of the year under review78,26182,390

This item consists of the present value of future cash flows recognised on business acquired in 2009 in the context of the acquisition of the ING life reinsurance portfolio. This intangible asset is amortised over the term of the underlying reinsurance contracts in proportion to the future premium income. The period of amortisation amounts to altogether 30 years. For further information please refer to our explanatory notes on intangible assets in Section 3.2 “Summary of major accounting policies”.

Insurance for pension commitments

Effective 1 July 2003 Hannover Rück SE took out insurance for pension commitments. The commitments involve deferred annuities with regular premium payment under a group insurance policy. In accordance with IAS 19 “Employee Benefits” they were carried as a separate asset at fair value as at the balance sheet date in an amount of EUR 82.2 million (EUR 76.6 million).

Fixtures, fittings and equipment

Fixtures, fittings and equipment
in EUR thousand20152014
Gross book value at 31 December of the previous year143,788129,828
Currency translation at 1 January3,0783,773
Gross book value after currency translation146,866133,601
Changes in consolidated group196(131)
Currency translation at 31 December(100)700
Gross book value at 31 December of the year under review147,459143,788
Cumulative depreciation at 31 December of the previous year110,62199,608
Currency translation at 1 January2,7402,943
Cumulative depreciation after currency translation113,361102,551
Changes in consolidated group144(35)
Currency translation at 31 December(48)521
Cumulative depreciation at 31 December of the year under review118,752110,621
Net book value at 31 December of the previous year33,16730,220
Net book value at 31 December of the year under review28,70733,167

With regard to the measurement of fixtures, fittings and equipment, the reader is referred to our explanatory notes on the other assets in Section 3.2 “Summary of major accounting policies”.

Other intangible assets

Development of other intangible assets
in EUR thousand20152014
Gross book value at 31 December of the previous year220,296196,689
Currency translation at 1 January2211,243
Gross book value after currency translation220,517197,932
Changes in consolidated group(1,016)86
Currency translation at 31 December247,773220,296
Cumulative depreciation at 31 December of the previous year182,834165,846
Currency translation at 1 January103879
Cumulative depreciation after currency translation182,937166,725
Changes in the consolidated group50
Currency translation at 31 December(266)67
Cumulative depreciation at 31 December of the year under review199,996182,834
Net book value at 31 December of the previous year37,46230,843
Net book value at 31 December of the year under review47,77737,462

The item includes EUR 1.6 million (EUR 2.2 million) for self-created software and EUR 31.2 million (EUR 30.0 million) for purchased software as at the balance sheet date. Scheduled depreciation is taken over useful lives of three to ten years. The additions can be broken down into EUR 13.4 million (EUR 18.0 million) for purchased software and EUR 1.1 million (EUR 1.0 million) for capitalised development costs for self-created software.

In the context of two smaller business combinations within our South African subgroup customer relationships were identified and recognised at fair value in an amount equivalent to EUR 6.1 million. Amortisation is taken over five years.

The gross book values include rights from long-term reinsurance treaties still existing as at the balance sheet date. The intangible assets resulting from these rights were recognised in the context of business acquisitions in the years 1997 and 2002 and were written off in full as at the balance sheet date.

Credit risks may result from other financial assets that were not overdue or adjusted as at the balance sheet date. In this regard, the reader is referred in general to our comments on the credit risk contained in the risk report.