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Information pursuant to § 315 Para. 4 German Commercial Code (HGB)

The common shares (share capital) of Hannover Re amount to EUR 120,597,134.00. They are divided into 120,597,134 registered no-par shares.

The Executive Board of the company is not aware of any restrictions relating to voting rights or the transfer of shares, including cases where these may arise out of agreements between shareholders.

The following company holds direct or indirect capital participations that exceed 10% of the voting rights:

Talanx AG, Riethorst 2, 30659 Hannover, holds 50.2% (rounded) of the company’s voting rights. There are no shares with special rights granting their holders powers of control, nor is there any specially structured voting control for employees who have capital participations and do not directly exercise their rights of control.

The appointment and recall of members of the Executive Board are determined by §§ 84 et seq. Stock Corporation Act (AktG). Amendment of the Articles of Association is governed by §§ 179 et seq. Stock Corporation Act (AktG) in conjunction with § 16 Para. 2 of the Articles of Association of Hannover Re.

The powers of the Executive Board with respect to the issue and repurchase of shares are defined in Hannover Re’s Articles of Association as well as in §§ 71 et seq. Stock Corporation Act (AktG). In this connection the Annual General Meeting authorised the Executive Board on 4 May 2010 pursuant to § 71 Para. 1 No. 8 Stock Corporation Act (AktG) to acquire treasury shares on certain conditions for a period of five years, ending on 3 May 2015.

The following paragraphs explain major agreements concluded by the company that are subject to reservation in the event of a change of control, inter alia following a takeover bid, and describe the resulting effects. The letter of credit lines extended to Hannover Re contain standard market change-of-control clauses that entitle the banks to require early repayment if Talanx AG loses its majority interest or drops below the threshold of a 25 percent participation or if a third party acquires the majority interest in Hannover Rückversicherung AG. For details of the letter of credit lines please see our explanatory remarks on other financial facilities in the notes, Section 5.12 “Debt and subordinated capital”.

In addition, retrocession covers in non-life and life business contain standard market change-of-control clauses which in each case grant the other contracting party a right of termination if a significant change occurs in the ownership structure and participation ratios of the affected contracting party.

The company has not concluded any compensation agreements with the members of the Executive Board or with employees in the event of a takeover bid being made.


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Information pursuant to § 315 Para. 4 German Commercial Code (HGB)

The common shares (share capital) of Hannover Re amount to EUR 120,597,134.00. They are divided into 120,597,134 registered no-par shares.

The Executive Board of the company is not aware of any restrictions relating to voting rights or the transfer of shares, including cases where these may arise out of agreements between shareholders.

The following company holds direct or indirect capital participations that exceed 10% of the voting rights:

Talanx AG, Riethorst 2, 30659 Hannover, holds 50.2% (rounded) of the company’s voting rights. There are no shares with special rights granting their holders powers of control, nor is there any specially structured voting control for employees who have capital participations and do not directly exercise their rights of control.

The appointment and recall of members of the Executive Board are determined by §§ 84 et seq. Stock Corporation Act (AktG). Amendment of the Articles of Association is governed by §§ 179 et seq. Stock Corporation Act (AktG) in conjunction with § 16 Para. 2 of the Articles of Association of Hannover Re.

The powers of the Executive Board with respect to the issue and repurchase of shares are defined in Hannover Re’s Articles of Association as well as in §§ 71 et seq. Stock Corporation Act (AktG). In this connection the Annual General Meeting authorised the Executive Board on 4 May 2010 pursuant to § 71 Para. 1 No. 8 Stock Corporation Act (AktG) to acquire treasury shares on certain conditions for a period of five years, ending on 3 May 2015.

The following paragraphs explain major agreements concluded by the company that are subject to reservation in the event of a change of control, inter alia following a takeover bid, and describe the resulting effects. The letter of credit lines extended to Hannover Re contain standard market change-of-control clauses that entitle the banks to require early repayment if Talanx AG loses its majority interest or drops below the threshold of a 25 percent participation or if a third party acquires the majority interest in Hannover Rückversicherung AG. For details of the letter of credit lines please see our explanatory remarks on other financial facilities in the notes, Section 5.12 “Debt and subordinated capital”.

In addition, retrocession covers in non-life and life business contain standard market change-of-control clauses which in each case grant the other contracting party a right of termination if a significant change occurs in the ownership structure and participation ratios of the affected contracting party.

The company has not concluded any compensation agreements with the members of the Executive Board or with employees in the event of a takeover bid being made.