Non-controlling interests in the shareholders’ equity of subsidiaries are reported separately within Group shareholders’ equity in accordance with IAS 1 “Presentation of Financial Statements”. They amounted to EUR 702.2 million (EUR 641.6 million) as at the balance sheet date.

Non-controlling interests in partnerships are reported in accordance with IAS 32 “Financial Instruments: Presentation” under long-term liabilities.

The non-controlling interest in profit or loss, which forms part of net income and is shown separately after net income as a “thereof” note, amounted to EUR 79.5 million (EUR 43.8 million) in the year under review.

Subsidiaries with material non-controlling interests
in EUR thousand2014 2013
E+S Rückversicherung AG, Hannover, Germany 
Participation of non-controlling interests35.21%36.31%
Voting rights of non-controlling interests35.21%36.31%
Net income (in EUR thousand)211,042103,960
thereof attributable to non-controlling interests76,34137,752
Income / expense recognised directly in equity95,661-50,845
Total recognised income and expense306,70353,115
Shareholders’ equity1,908,3281,711,625
thereof attributable to non-controlling interests671,892621,563
Dividends paid110,000130,000
thereof attributable to non-controlling interests39,94647,208
Cash flow from operating activities387,294381,119
Cash flow from investing activities(262,061)(252,691)
Cash flow from financing activities(111,409)(130,000)