Calculation of the earnings per share
Group net income in EUR thousand985,649895,467
Weighted average of issued shares120,596,954120,596,978
Basic earnings per share in EUR8.177.43
Diluted earnings per share in EUR8.177.43

The earnings per share is calculated by dividing the net income attributable to the shareholders of Hannover Rück SE by the weighted average number of shares outstanding within the period under review.

Neither in the year under review nor in the previous reporting period were there any dilutive effects.

The weighted average of the issued shares was, as in the previous year, slightly lower than the value of the shares in circulation on the balance sheet date. In the context of the employee share option plan Hannover Re acquires treasury shares and sells them at a later date to eligible employees. The weighted average number of shares does not include 21,608 (18,750) treasury shares pro rata temporis for the duration of the holding period. For further details please see our comments in Section 6.13 “Shareholders’ equity and treasury shares”.

There were no other extraordinary components of income which should have been recognised or disclosed separately in the calculation of the earnings per share.

The earnings per share could potentially be diluted in future through the issue of shares or subscription rights from the authorised or conditional capital.

Dividend per share

A dividend of EUR 361.8 million (EUR 361.8 million) was paid in the year under review for the 2013 financial year.

It will be proposed to the Annual General Meeting on 6 May 2015 that a dividend of EUR 3.00 per share as well as a special dividend of EUR 1.25 per share should be paid for the 2014 financial year. This corresponds to a total distribution of EUR 512.5 million. The dividend proposal does not form part of this consolidated financial statement.